
(upload a photo)
(74 pictures) Best Shots
(26 pictures) 2001 Nationals
(43 pictures) 1999 Nationals
(22 pictures) 2000 Express 27 Nationals
(4 pictures) 2001 Detroit NOOD Regatta
(20 pictures) Detroit Express 27 Fleet
(15 pictures) 1998 Nationals
(9 pictures) San Francisco Bay Fleet
(9 pictures) 2001 Coastal Cup
(10 pictures) 1998 Detroit NOOD Regatta
(14 pictures) 1999 Detroit NOOD Regatta
(10 pictures) jan12-02 Berkeley "D mark"
(9 pictures) Vallejo 2002
(16 pictures) Coastal Cup 2002
(22 pictures) San Francisco NOOD '02
(3 pictures) New Express owners
(43 pictures) 2002 Express 27 Nationals
(43 pictures) Deck Layout & Rigging Shots
(16 pictures) Monterey Express 27 Fleet
(12 pictures) KeyWest Race 2003 Ruby My Dear
(16 pictures) 2003 Detroit NOOD Regatta
(8 pictures) SF NOOD 2003
(49 pictures) 2003 Express 27 Nationals
(15 pictures) BYC North Channel Race 2003
(12 pictures) Boat Covers
(23 pictures) Detroit Fleet 2004
(25 pictures) 2004 Detroit NOOD Regatta
(11 pictures) Coastal Cup 2004
(11 pictures) Express 27 Interior #107 1986
(30 pictures) 2004 Nationals
(109 pictures) 2004 Nationals--More Pictures
(189 pictures) 2004 Nationals-Still More Pics
(7 pictures) Detroit Fleet Awards 2004
(19 pictures) Detroit NOOD 2005
(24 pictures) Detroit Fleet 2005
(46 pictures) Nationals 2005 St. Francis YC
(8 pictures) 2006 Crewed Lightship
(40 pictures) Detroit NOOD 2006
(16 pictures) Detroit Fleet 2006
(97 pictures) 2006 Nationals
(224 pictures) 2006 Nationals--Races 3-4-5
(316 pictures) 2006 Nationals--Races 6 & 7
(5 pictures) 2006 Coastal Cup
(38 pictures) Detroit Fleet Party 2006/2007
(32 pictures) Detroit NOOD 2007
(2 pictures) High Sierra 2007
(32 pictures) 2007 Nationals Tiburon YC
(75 pictures) 2007 Nationals Friday Carnage
(132 pictures) 2007 Nat'nls--Sat. Races 3 & 4
(34 pictures) Detroit Fleet 2007
(56 pictures) Detroit 2007 Awards Party
(1 picture) 2008 DH Farallones
(40 pictures) Detroit NOOD 2008
(109 pictures) 2008 Nationals
(7 pictures) Express 27 Graphics
(1 picture) Owner Driver Trophy
(14 pictures) '08 Detroit Season Awards
(45 pictures) Detroit NOOD 2009
(17 pictures) South Port SC Regatta 6-13-09
(6 pictures) Detroit Fleet 2009
(134 pictures) Express 27 Nationals 2009
(1 picture) Sarcoma Cup 2009
(2 pictures) Delta Ditch Run 2009
(31 pictures) Detroit 2009 Awards
(104 pictures) Detroit NOOD 2010
(4 pictures) Lipton Cup 2010
(1 picture) Lake Tahoe Express 27's
(30 pictures) 2010 Nationals
(1 picture) SSS Vallejo 1-2 2010
(43 pictures) Detroit 25th Anniv.Awards
(25 pictures) Detroit NOOD Regatta June 2011
(6 pictures) Detroit 2011 DRYA Award
(8 pictures) E 27 Outboard Motor Strut
(9 pictures) 2011 SF Season Awards
(8 pictures) 2011 Detroit Fleet Awards
(1 picture) 2012 Express 27 Moulds
(9 pictures) Boat #10 - Hull & Mast
(10 pictures) 2012 Detroit Season Awards
(4 pictures) 2013 Bayview YC One Design
(33 pictures) 2014 Nationals
(3 pictures) Hatchboards
(18 pictures) Three Bridge 2017
(4 pictures) Thru Hull
(9 pictures) Mast Base
(2 pictures) Mast Base
(13 pictures) E 27 Hull #88
(3 pictures) Rudder Post Failure
(14 pictures) E27 Hull#3 Retrofit
(0 pictures) HULL#104-STARBURSTi

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Express 27 Photos

Detroit 2009 Awards

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Richard Gilbert's Punk Dolphin--Season Champion Peter Fortune Air Force--2nd Season Championship 2009 Harald Kolter Das Boot 3rd 2009 Richard Gilbert Punk Dolphin 1st Long Distance Series Harald Kolter Das Boot 2nd Long Dist. Series Peter Fortune Air Force 3rd Long Dist. Series Rich Gilbert & Alex Prohaska with Detroit Perpetual Trophies Punk Dolphin Champion Crew Punk Dolphin DRYA Season Champ 2009 Tony Lawrence presenting Rich Gilbert framed photo of Punk Dolphin Richard's Farewell to Fleet after 24 years of hardly missing a race Richard Gilbert Punk Dolphin BYC N. Channel Race 1st Mika 2nd BYC N. Channel Race 2009 Das Boot 3rd BYC N. Channel Race Oct 2009 Air Force 4th BYC N. Channel Race passing GPYC Express 27s in BYC N. Channel Race Oct. 2009 Das Boot GPYC Bluenose Regatta Se[t 2009 Mika GPYC Bluenose Regatta Sept 2009 Air Force, GPYC Bluenose Sept 2009 Air Force South Port SC Regatta Das Boot #62 South Port SC Regatta #62 Das Boot, South Port SC June 2009 Franz Prohaska New Owner of Punk Dolphin John VanTol, Mike LoVasco, Perrin Fortune, Chris VanTol (& Caitlin Fortune) 2009 NOOD Winners VanTol Brothers, Caitlin & Perin Fortune, Mike LoVasco Evolution #99 & #110 Reckless Detroit NOOD 2009