I will also suggest sticking with vinylester but I find it (much)
harder to work with in Florida than quality epoxy. My suggestion is
to use a tape that won't give up underneath. Painters tape is
useless. I suggest Gorilla Duct Tape, I have only found it in black
lately. If you are abandoning the holes put 2 layers of glass (6oz+)
on the deck over them using vinylester resin.
This link also has some good ideas. I have purchased his butyl tape,
great stuff.
Bill #44
:: Thanks everyone, especially for the info in Vinyl vs
:: Epoxy. I had completely forgotten about that.
:: I will be resurfacing the deck after doing all this.
:: So it sounds like the best way to fill abandoned holes
:: is just to over drill from the top, use green 3m
:: painters tape on the bottom, then fill with vinyl resin
:: (probably with a syringe) carefully from the bottom up
:: to avoid air pockets.
:: For holes that are going to be re-used for hardware,
:: over drill from the bottom up leaving the top fiberglass
:: intact, coat an appropriately sized G10 tube on the top
:: and sides with vinyl resin, then insert it up from the
:: bottom. The intention here would be to vinyl resin glue
:: it to the top layer of fiberglass and stop any water
:: incursion there. Seems to me if I accomplish that well,
:: then filling in any cavities around the sides of the
:: tops where the G10 would be touching balsa is desirable
:: but not critical.
:: Does that sound like a good summary of everyone's tips?
:: :: Great advice. I used epoxy resin to fill holes and am
:: :: now faced with more infiltration. Where to get G10 tubes
:: :: and rods? SDK
:: ::
:: :: :: I strongly second Jason's advice to use vinylester
:: :: :: resin, and also to use G10 tubes in holes that will be
:: :: :: taking mounting hardware.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: For holes being abandoned, a quick and dirty repair
:: :: :: (that may leak later): over-drill the hole to get clean
:: :: :: edges, tape the backside with _green_ 3m painters tape,
:: :: :: fill with thickened vinylester, and paint the top of the
:: :: :: repair to protect it from UV.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: The _best_ way to fill holes being abandoned is to
:: :: :: scallop around the holes first with a die grinder
:: :: :: (extending 1/8-1/4" beyond the hole) fill them with
:: :: :: thickened vinylester and cap them with little circles of
:: :: :: fiberglass mat. This will completely prevent them from
:: :: :: cracking at the edges of the repair and leaking. This is
:: :: :: the approach I would always take if the deck is getting
:: :: :: refinished. It goes really fast when you are doing lots
:: :: :: of holes.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: Vinylester isn't readily available. I get it at
:: :: :: Svendsens, but the smallest size they have is a gallon.
:: :: :: It is MUCH easier to work with since it is much more
:: :: :: tolerant and cures to sanding very quickly (1-3 hours in
:: :: :: good weather).
:: :: ::
:: :: ::
:: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Let me recommend NOT using epoxy resin. It shrinks over
:: :: :: :: time and will allow water to get back into the balsa
:: :: :: :: core (ask me how I know this!). The best solution is to
:: :: :: :: use vinylester resin and G-10 rod in each of the holes.
:: :: :: :: The G-10 will keep you from over compressing the holes
:: :: :: :: when the hardware is re-installed. Either way, you
:: :: :: :: should use vinylester resin to make sure you avoid the
:: :: :: :: shrinking issue. Now would be a good time to tap out the
:: :: :: :: deck to make sure there are not any other areas of water
:: :: :: :: entry into the deck.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Cheers,
:: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Jason
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: :: 3-4 inch wIde painters tape and lots of it.
:: :: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: :: :: Hi all,
:: :: :: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: :: :: I've removed all the hardware from my deck and am about
:: :: :: :: :: :: to over-drill, fill, and re-drill.
:: :: :: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: :: :: I'm wondering if anybody has some good tips on how to
:: :: :: :: :: :: keep the expoxy from dripping through the holes and into
:: :: :: :: :: :: the interior.
:: :: :: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: :: :: Taped on wax paper under the hole? Wait until epoxy is a
:: :: :: :: :: :: thick consistency? Use thickeners?
:: :: :: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: :: :: I'd love to not have to learn this one the hard way ;-)
:: :: :: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: :: :: Thanks
:: :: :: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: :: :: Bryan