Aldo Alesio at St. Francis Yacht Club | August 18 |
Thanks all. I decided to bite the bullet and move to the new spreader
bar type from Ballenger that Brendan mentioned. Installation involved making the upper spreader bar holes in the mast a bit larger which was ok as the existing holes had already been worked larger by bad spreader bar fits over time. John :: :: :: --brendan:: :: :: :: :: :: :: Buzz Ballenger should have these in stock. (831) :: :: :: 763-1196. :: :: :: :: :: :: --brendan:: :: :: :: :: :: :: Hi all, :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: It seems like my rig on Salty Hotel needs a replacement :: :: :: :: upper spreader bar. Does anybody have one of the :: :: :: :: original keyed upper spreader bars (i.e. not the flat :: :: :: :: bar) for me to either copy or buy? :: :: :: :: :: :: :: :: Thanks :: :: :: :: :: :: :: John