Hi Raph,
I have mylars an will make templates tomorrow. Most of the keel is
down to lead. The AME factory resin casting popped off the lead.
No way to find out what the class keel shape is so I am going with
what makes sense for the keel.
Will have blog post on my site along with new rudder info, an the 22
sq-ft of deck core I replaced at both chain plates an the mast step.
That part is done. On schedule for mid May launch then some E27 fun!
:: Hi Ralph,
:: Any torque specs hinted at on the keel bolts?
:: Thanks,
:: Joe
:: :: I have a set of keel and rudder templates. However, I'm
:: :: out of town until april 20. When I get back to detroit i
:: :: can send you copies on heavy craft paper if its not too
:: :: late. You can reach me by phone 248-396-9593.
:: ::
:: :: Ralph Deeds
:: :: Lorax 107
:: ::
:: :: :: Going to re-fair the keel next week be nice to keep it
:: :: :: class legal. NACA 0012? Be nice to have a lead of who to
:: :: :: talk too?
:: :: ::
:: :: :: :: I just came to a deal yesterday on an Express 27. Very
:: :: :: :: excited to be the new owner an look forward to enjoying
:: :: :: :: shorthanded sailing. The boat will be in Jamestown, RI
:: :: :: :: an is currently in New England.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: I need to build a new rudder an wonder if there are
:: :: :: :: drawings, offsets, or templates anywhere?
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Also the keel needs to be redone, all the fairing has
:: :: :: :: popped off. So keel drawings, offsets, or templates so
:: :: :: :: we can dive into that also.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Plan on starting the work in 12 April for a May launch.