I read the articles on the website and they mention 28 for the mids
and 42 for the lowers. This is on a small loos gauge. These numbers
seem really high. Does anyone know any numbers that they tune to?
:: Best place to start is in the Articles section of the
:: website. The articles there will help you get the boat
:: set up, you can fine tune to your conditions from there.
:: There aren't any real numbers for adjusting the uppers
:: or even the intermediates between racing, About all we
:: do on a regular basis is adjust the aft lowers. trying
:: to maintain just enough tension to keep overbend
:: wrinkles to a min.
:: Tom
:: :: I just bought An express and was wondering how to setup
:: :: the mast tuning. I am use to a j/24 and we adjust per
:: :: wind conditions. Is the mast changed based on wind and
:: :: what are the numbers on a loose gauge ?