Aldo Alesio at St. Francis Yacht Club | August 18 |
Bob Doerr on 5/20/102 11:12 PM said: >>We are discussing various solutions and trying to stay >>within the class rule which states, in part: >> >>"They shall be continuous from the aft stanchion to the >>bow pulpit on each side. Minimum size is 1/8" >>stainless." >> >>If anyone has a solution I am open to it. If we figure it >>out I'll let you know. >> Bob: My interpretation of the rule stated above would be the lines must be continuous from the last STANCHION, not the stern pulpit. We brought ours to the toerail aboat 16 inches aft of the last stanchion. Then we run webbing from the last stanchion to the stern pulpit. We thought about 'dead ending' the lifeline at the rear most stanchion with a D ring fitting, but I wasn't real comfortable with the 'pocket' stanchion setups strength, and figured the toerail was a better endpoint. Doesn't interfere with the winch handle or the lift bridle attachment points and is strong. I've sailed without the webbing, but it's spooky when a big puff shuts off suddenly and the boat rolls WAY to windward. My toes were looking to get under the traveller quickly! (It's embarrasing for the helmsman go over) Bob Harvey