The commitee has received three emails that I wanted to address here.
First, all the options people have suggested are available for the
Buoy Series Polling; both the 5 race weekends and the entire Fun LD
offering. So Buoy racers simply vote across the whole sample and the
result organically falls out of the polling for Buoy Series.
For Fun Long Distance, the poll does not include the regular 5 race
weekends; SKeel, Resin, Elite, Simpson sticking to the Fun LD charter
differentiating from Buoy.
It is suspected that the fleet will share some common core of Fun LD.
But the Fun LD poll does not incorprate any of the standard 5 race
weekends noted above.
Voters can influence the Buoy and FLD scheduke by indicating in the
poll; Buoy Series Interest Only, Buoy Series with some Fun Races, or
Fun Long Distance Series Interest Only.
The poll will sort it all out and the poll is very level.
Second, some e27 single handers have raised the issue that they would
like to sail FLD doublehanded races, single handed, and would waive
the 12 second handicap for doign so. No one has stated any objection
to this.
Hi Everyone:
:: Here are my projections for the 2009 Express 2009 Fun
:: Long Distance Series, & Buoy Series Results. I did say
:: predictions.
:: If you agree, disagree, have something to add please do.
:: I'm hoping this post will precisely ferret out what
:: individual events Fun Long Distance Series participants
:: are interested in terms of the 2009 series in total.
:: I presume Buoy Series racers will chose the weekend 5
:: race regattas as their core. So I will only briefly
:: touch on those buoy choices here.
:: For Buoy note that Fun Long Distance Series Choices are
:: potent augments to the Buoy Schedule. The committee
:: anticipates Buoy racers will chose some FLD events as
:: augments to their core weekend regatta schedule.
:: Choices are reviewerd below and Mike Projects the Fun
:: Long Distance & Buoy winners.
:: January:
:: Three Bridge; SSS, Round the Bay, 1/31, FLD Choice 1
:: Mike predicts the 3Bridge will make the Fun Long
:: Distance schedule based on prior strong fleet
:: participation. And that Buoy will chose this race as an
:: augment.
:: March:
:: Spring Keel, StFYC, 3/7-8, Buoy Choice 1
:: Mike predicts the Buoy fleet will make this event their
:: March core choice.
:: Double Handed LightShip, OYRA, IYC, 3/14, FLD Choice 1
:: Crewed Lightship; OYRA, 3/21, FLD Choice 2
:: Double Handed Farallones; BAMA, 3/28, FLD Choice 3
:: Mike Predicts the Crewed LightShip will be the FLD
:: choice for March given prior year's strong fleet
:: participation. And that buoy will chose this race as an
:: augment.
:: April:
:: SFYC Resin Regatta, SFYC, 4/18-19, Buoy Choice 1
:: Mike predicts the Buoy fleet will make this event their
:: April core choice.
:: Duxbury LightShip; OYRA, 4/4
:: Fully Crewed Option FLD Choice 1
:: Doublehanded Option FLD Choice 2
:: Doublehanded Corinthian Bay Race; SSS, 4/11, FLD Choice
:: 3
:: Mike predicts Fun LD Series participants will replace
:: the BAMA double handed Farallones with the Duxbury
:: LightShip doublehanded or crewed race.
:: Mike also predicts the Corinthian in the Bay stands a
:: good chance of winning the April FLD choice, as the
:: fully crewed LightShip ocean race is likely the March
:: chioce based on prior years participation.
:: Note the idea of the double handed OYRA Duxbury
:: LightShip is to offer a shorter more enjoyable course
:: replacing the doublehanded Farallones for this years FLD
:: series.
:: Consider Doublehanded Duxbury Lightship as a FLD first
:: choice for April.
:: May:
:: Elite Keel, SFYC, 5/16-17, Buoy Choice 1
:: Mike predicts the Buoy fleet will make this event their
:: May core choice.
:: Vallejo Race; YRA, VYC, 5/2-3, FLD Choice 1
:: Monterey Spinnaker Run; OYRA, SFYC/MPYC, 5/22-23, FLD
:: Choice 2
:: Mike predicts the FLD fleet will chose Vallejo Race
:: given prior years strong fleet participation. And that
:: buoy will chose this race as an augment.
:: June:
:: Summer Keel Boat, SFYC, 6/20-2, Buoy Choice 1
:: Mike predicts the Buoy fleet will make this event their
:: June core choice.
:: Ditch Run; RYC, SSC, 6/6, FLD Choice 1
:: Double Handed Half Moon Bay; SSS 6/27 FLD Choice 2
:: Mike predicts Ditch Run will be the FLD choice given
:: prior year's strong fleet participation. And that buoy
:: will chose this race as an augment.
:: Note the Ditch and doublehanded Half Moon Bay are three
:: weeks apart; maybe this is a month where FLD racers can
:: easily administer scheduling both races? Mike predicts
:: doublehanded HFB as a second choice for June.
:: July:
:: Simpson Regatta, StFYC, 7-18-19, Buoy Choice 1
:: 2nd Half Opener Buoy YRA, EYC-Bonita-EYC, 7/26, Buoy
:: Choice 2
:: NA's Option 1 = July 31.
:: Mike predicts the Buoy fleet will make Simpson Regatta
:: their July core choice.
:: Silver Eagle; IYC, 58 miles this year, 7/11-12, FLD
:: Choice 1
:: 2nd Half Opener FLD; YRA, EYC-Bonita-EYC 7/25, FLD
:: Choice 2
:: Mike predicts Second Half Opener Saturday only Bonita
:: race will be the FLD July preferred choice because of
:: prior year's participation with party following.
:: Mike also wants to pitch the Silver Eagle as a true Long
:: Distance Bay race that has been shortened to 58 miles.
:: Too bad it does not have a party following. FLD racers
:: interested in Silve Eagle let me know and I'll change my
:: prediction accordingly.
:: August:
:: National’s Option 2, 8/7 -
:: National's Option 3, 8/14 -
:: Sarcoma Cup, 8/22-23, Buoy Choice 1
:: Mike predicts the Buoy fleet will either vote for or
:: pass on Sarcoma this year. Unless Sarcoma becomes the
:: NA's as a logical August venue. Or, perhaps, buoy will
:: have time to do both?
:: Midnight Moonlight, SFYC, Night Race, 8/8, FLD Choice 1
:: Crewed Half Moon Bay; OYRA, HMBYC, 8/15, FLD Choice 2
:: Doublehanded Richmond to South Beach, SSS, 8/22, FLD
:: Choice 3
:: Mike predicts Crewed Half Moon Bay will be the FLD
:: choice for August becuase the race brings diversity to
:: the series and the race has a big party afterwards.
:: MIke predicts Midnight Moonlight as the alternate FLD
:: choice for August bringing diversity to the schedule.
:: September:
:: September National’s Option 4, 9/4 -
:: Windjammers; OYRA, StFYC, SCYC, 9/4, FLD Choice 1
:: Jazz Cup to Benecia; BYC, 9/5, FLD Choice 2
:: 2nd Half Closer, CYC, Bay Race, Pursuit Race, 9/26-27,
:: FLD Choice 3
:: Mike predicts because NA's might be in the first half of
:: September (if not August), and that FLD will chose 2nd
:: Half Closer as the FLD choice because of the two day
:: party at Corinthian and diversity of the venue.
:: October:
:: Great Pumpkin Saturday, RYC, Buoy Race, 10/23, Buoy
:: Choice 1
:: Mike predicts the Buoy fleet will make Great Pumpkin
:: their October choice given prior strong participation.
:: Singlehanded / double handed Vallejo 1-2, 10/10-11
:: Great Pumpkin Sunday, RYC, Pursuit Race, 10/24, FLD
:: Choice 1
:: Mike predicts FLD will chose GP Sunday for October for
:: easiest to administration and more people at the party
:: action.
:: Cheers,
:: mb