It's was pretty apparent you'd like the weight limit raised after the
discussion held here back in July, August, September, and October.
I don't think the concept of 'scientific' applies to your logic.
After all, what makes the Moore 24 correct and the Express 27
incorrect (other than the calculations support your desire to raise
the limit)?
One could make a counter argument that the Express limit is too high
using the J-24 you mention ... 400/1270= 31.5% (Kgs used). Express
should be 775 pounds.
I'm 200 pounds and I race at the Detroit NOODs with four ... two BIG
guys at 260 pounds each and one small bow person at 112 pounds. Never
really felt at much of a disadvantage with four. In fact, one of the
big guys spends most of each race below!
I don't see a higher or lower weight limit as making the boats more
equal or more marketable. I'd vote to keep it were it is.
Bob Harveynxgl
:: Hi Everyone:
:: Since none of the rocket scientists took me up on
:: figuring out what's so different between E27 and Moore
:: 24 weight limits, Dan (crew from Baffet & Wylie 30
:: owner) and I, figured it out yestersay at SCYC.
:: I raised this challenge a month or so ago, to provide a
:: scientific answer to the question, why are there a lot
:: of women, lite weights and regular American size guys
:: and evebn heavy weights racing in the Moore 24 fleet vs.
:: the Express fleet? And, why do you see this mix of
:: people sizes more evenly distributed on Moore 24s.
:: I raised this question given a perceived myth associated
:: with some E27 owners in support for keeping the E27
:: weight limit as it; when some say it encourges woman and
:: lite weight crew participation under the E27 weight
:: rule. The E27 vs M24 calcs clearly reveal this reason as
:: mythical.
:: I, for one, believe this E27 myth that has been
:: perpetuated is either 1) meant to protect light weight
:: skippers in the back viz their heavier (by %) crews, 2)
:: discriminates against some owners who weigh over 200#,
:: 3) is meant to detract and conceal the fact that the E27
:: weight limit is somehow screw up. I means its the same
:: as a J24; go figure.
:: So, I did. Note, over 33% of the fleet feel something
:: has to be modified with the current #880 limit given the
:: recent vote. Given the number who voted, that means
:: three votes more gives those who want to improve the
:: weight limit by some modification; the constitutnet
:: majority for making that modification happen.
:: So, lets consider the calculation. For Moore's 825/2050
:: = 40%. For E27 880/2450 = 36%. So, Moores 24 which do
:: have an even spread of women, lite weights, average &
:: heavy weights on every boat, allow more crew weight for
:: the weight of the boat.
:: In fact its about a 10% difference gioven the weight
:: difference of the boats. Which means E27 weight to be
:: equivalent to M24 (so the fleet can scientifically
:: justify the myth of equally supporting women and light
:: weights) should be #980.
:: I move to modify the E27 weight limit to #980.
:: Mike Bruzzone