Thank you for putting this together and all your hard work. I believe
that this will give the fleet a much needed and better understanding
of the events we want to see schedule.
Again thanks so much
Chris (Ergo)
:: Mike,
:: First off, thanks for all of your efforts to rejuvenate
:: the LD/Fun series, as you know I'm a big fan of those
:: races.
:: Question 6 in the survey specifically asks what weight
:: limit folks would like to use for just the LD/Fun
:: series. Currently, the tally is 3 votes for no weight
:: limit, 1 vote for a modified weight limit, and 13 votes
:: to keep it at 880.
:: The missing options for LD/Fun events is my fault. I was
:: going from memory and missed a few. There is the option
:: for folks to select "other" and write in what they'd
:: like included. So far, the write in options include
:: CYC Saturday MidWinter race in February, double handed
:: or fully crewed half moon bay race, SSS In the Bay,
:: Plastic Classic, 2nd half oyra season, IYC dblehand
:: lightship, Trans Tahoe, Spinnker Cup, and High Sierra.
:: Dan
:: :: Hi:
:: ::
:: :: Just writing to ask for a slight rewrite of the
:: :: questionaire before a lot of votes come in. That is due
:: :: to the the limter placed in the first question having to
:: :: do with the weight limits modification, or not.
:: ::
:: :: I have proposed for the 2008 LD/FUN series that there's
:: :: no weight limit for the PHRF events certainly.
:: :: Currently, the questionaire does not address this rule
:: :: modifcation for the LD/FUN series only. Subsequently
:: :: disregards this potential in the voting placing focus
:: :: solely on the weight limit, or not, in the Real Fleet
:: :: Series.
:: ::
:: :: Dan, can you please get a tally on this weight
:: :: modification try out for the LD/FUN series specifically;
:: :: by adding the question. Thanks.
:: ::
:: :: Also, I had proposed some LD/FUN race chioces not
:: :: reflected in the August and September time frame voting
:: :: list. These include Plastic Classic (a low priority for
:: :: me but a choice left out), the OYRA HalfMoon Bay Race,
:: :: the OYRA Farallons Race, and the doublehanded Half Moon
:: :: Bay race. All potentially are LD/FUN easy to administer
:: :: choices for the late summer time frame; in addition to
:: :: those noted.
:: ::
:: :: Finally, I would like to reiterate a point I've
:: :: previosuly made about not homogenizing the two series
:: :: together through race duplication. And that is because I
:: :: think the two series should enable the potential for
:: :: more trophy winners at the end of the season; than
:: :: fewer.
:: ::
:: :: For Real Fleet Series racers this might mean sailing in
:: :: a few more LD/FUN series races.
:: ::
:: :: Thats because there seems to be an odd trend, to win
:: :: both series by focusing on the Real Fleet Series and
:: :: then doing a couple of the highly particpted LD/FUN
:: :: races. I think thats an off strategy that discourages
:: :: participation and more trophy winners at the end of the
:: :: season.
:: ::
:: :: Also a restraint within the framework development of the
:: :: Real Fleet Series too adversely affect this skewed
:: :: outcome into the LD/FUN Series; by limiting LD/FUN
:: :: within the Real Fleet Series framework.
:: ::
:: :: This is why I originally proposed that each series
:: :: should stand on its own races. Right now lacking these
:: :: voting form added choices, the development framework
:: :: seems to slip back toward this LD/FUN series restraint
:: :: that deemphasies the LD/FUN Series for those most
:: :: interested in that series.
:: :: mb
:: :: :: So far the following 16 boats have filled in the survey.
:: :: :: The more responses we get the better.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: Thanks
:: :: ::
:: :: :: Ergo, OPA!, Dianne, Moxie, Baffett, Wile E Coyote, Magic
:: :: :: Bus, Get Happy!!, Xena, New Wave, Peaches, Motorcycle
:: :: :: Irene, wetsu, Strega, Archimedes, and Desperado
:: :: ::
:: :: ::
:: :: ::
:: :: ::
:: :: :: :: We are trying to gather input on the 2008 Season. Please
:: :: :: :: fill out the survey at the link below.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: http://freeonlinesurveys.com/rendersurvey.asp?sid=3asu66y8vxk54ei...