Only 5 boats entered for this weekends PCC.
Any others?
Beautiful weekend for racing.
:: SI's?
:: :: All the details are still in the works. It will be a
:: :: normal 2 day regatta, most likely sailed on the Berkeley
:: :: circle. As we get more information from RegattaPro, I
:: :: will pass it along to the fleet and upload it here on
:: :: the website.
:: ::
:: :: I hope to see the fleet out (in big numbers) for this
:: :: event. The time frame is more like when we usually have
:: :: our Nationals so we should see some lighter breezes.
:: ::
:: :: Should be fun!
:: ::
:: :: :: Someone tell me the details on the regatta pro pcc's:
:: :: :: where, how to enter, what is the happenings. It sounds
:: :: :: like a good thing to do
:: ::
:: :: :: Thanks, SDK