The number you provided is broken down like this:
AB027 = Albers Brothers, Express 27
042 = hull number 42
0782 = produced in July of 82
from my recordsthat boat has been missing in action for quite
sometime. Where is the boat located? This site is the best way to
sell the boat. Feel free to send me an e-mail and I can help you out.
:: I am trying to help my boss sell his Express 27 boat -
:: he said that there is some website on which you can type
:: in the hull number for info on the boat, but I could not
:: find....anyone know of one? Also, I was looking at the
:: classifieds on this site and the Hull numbers listed
:: look a lot different then the one I have (AB0270420782)
:: If anyone could help me out with the hull numbering
:: system, I would greatly appreciate it!