Aldo Alesio at St. Francis Yacht Club | August 18 |
Thanks to you and dr. wilson for the information. Very helpful. Would
I use spinnaker type cordage for the aft lines and what's the
preferred method for securing to the sling. -Joe :: The grainger part number for the one I bought is 3KN81. :: -Jason:: :: :: I believe you can get them from Grainger as well. Svens :: :: use to carry them but not sure if they still do. Just :: :: make sure what you get is a solid loop and that it can :: :: hold 4K lbs or more. I believe the yellow or green strap :: :: are the correct sizes. :: :: :: :: -Jason:: :: :: :: :: I still have the old style, steel cable lifting straps :: :: :: and would like to replace 'em with nylon straps. Can :: :: :: anyone please give provide a source or is it something :: :: :: Svendson's could do. -Thanks!