Aldo Alesio at St. Francis Yacht ClubAugust 18
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Author: Sergey Lubarsky ([email protected]) contact the author
Subject: raceQs sailing app
Info: (15420 views) Posted: Friday 5-3-13 09:31:19 AM
I am pleased to announce that raceQs sailing app (formally ) had been released for iPhone and Android smart phones. The app captures your sail tracks as well as the boat motion allowing 3D race replay and analysis. Additionally raceQs provides start assistance telling you which end of the line is favorite as well as remaining time / distance to the line . As you are racing raceQs gives visual and audio cues related to wind shifts, drift, boat speed and course changes, boat handling etc.

Download the app at . If you don’t have a smart phone you can still use the app by uploading tracks of any GPS unit after the race.

Sergey Lubarsky

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