What material did you use to replace the core? G10? Balsa?
:: Oh, around chain plate deck rot damage on my boat was
:: not less that 1/2 inch and no more than 1.5 inch around
:: chain plate.
:: mb
:: :: 1/2" inside diameter at most.
:: ::
:: :: Pulled chain plates, scrapped out rot, refilled with
:: :: gbrothers epoxy mixed ballons for the expansion affect
:: :: at curing.,recut chain plate entry through deck,
:: :: inspected bulk head chain plate bolt holes for hard
:: :: sheen, reinstalled chain plates, sealed with liquid life
:: :: caulk under standard stainless cap. Some have layered
:: :: one sheet of graphite/glass between aft blkhead knee and
:: :: chain plate.
:: ::
:: :: mn
:: ::
:: :: :: I need to do some recoring around one of the chainplates
:: :: :: this fall.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: I haven't started cutting yet. Can anyone tell me what
:: :: :: thickness the deck core is supposed to be?