Aldo Alesio at St. Francis Yacht ClubAugust 18
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Author: Mike Bruzzone
Subject: Convoy home?
Info: (14637 views) Posted: Wednesday 6-9-10 10:16:14 AM
Desperado has motor sailed home for many years. I will be bringing 14 gallons of fuel which I will purchase Saturday night at local gas station. Otherwise, gas dock next to SSC does not open to 9 am and is pricey. If you need to buy fuel on the way home; Antioch public marina is the most convienient, followed by Benecia. Ideal time to leave SSC based on tides is 3:30 am. But Desperado will be leaving at 6 am also or maybe 1/2 hour earlier. Time to Brickyard Cove is 10 - 13 hours. This year will expeience 1.5 tides cycles with flood inevitable and ebb at the end.


:: Opa! is leaving the dock at 6am on Sunday.
:: Last year we made it back to the St Francis in 16 1/2
:: hours, with 6-8 hours of pure sailing.

:: We are planning on 6gal, which is extra for just in
:: case.

:: This includes 1/2 gal for motor to RYC if required.

:: We figure our usage at 1/4 gal for every 45 min of
:: motoring.
:: We plan on sailing whenever the wind permits.
:: :: Looks like a great turnout for Sat.
:: ::
:: :: I'm planning on bringing the boat back on Sunday and
:: :: wondering who else is doing so and what time are you
:: :: thinking of leaving?
:: ::
:: :: I don't have a tide book here but recall that high tide
:: :: in Stockton is at about 7am, it that the time to
:: :: leave....or earlier?
:: ::
:: :: We just have a 3.5hp so may not keep up with some....any
:: :: thoughts on how much gas to bring?
:: ::
:: :: Thanks,
:: :: Karl

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  • Convoy home? (19418 views) [x]
    Karl ~ Monday 6-7-10 09:33:29 PM
    • Convoy home? (22787 views) [x]
      Peggy ~ Tuesday 6-8-10 08:51:52 PM
      • Convoy home? (14638 views) [x] (current)
        Mike Bruzzone ~ Wednesday 6-9-10 10:16:14 AM
        • Convoy home (22557 views) [x]
          Peggy ~ Thursday 6-10-10 10:13:58 PM
    • Convoy home? (14214 views) [x]
      Nathan Bossett ~ Thursday 6-10-10 04:42:36 PM