:: Hello Mike,
:: The hull number is found within the serial number
:: beginning with ABQ that is
:: located on the outside, at the top edge of the transom,
:: starboard side.
:: The the hull number is the 6th, 7th and 8th in that row,
:: ie 080 would be hull 80.
:: The last four is the manufacture date.
:: Please share the hull number once you find it and list
:: your information on the class roster.
:: Regards,
:: Peggy.
:: :: How do you find the hull number on an Express 27?
:: :: Also, we tore the boom vang swivel cleat out of the top
:: :: of the deck and are looking for repair advice.
:: :: Thank you.
Hello, Mike,
Here's how I would repair the deck under the swivel cam for the boom
Remove vang. Tape the holes under the deck. Fill the damaged part of
the deck under the swivel with a mix of epoxy, filler and chopped
fiberglass cloth. Fair the surface of the deck. Re-drill the holes
and re-install the swivel cam with a stainless steel or aluminum
backup plate to spread the load. There is quite a load on the swivel.
(I'm not a boat repair professional, so you might want to consult
Will Paxton who is a professional.)
Ralph Deeds