Aldo Alesio at St. Francis Yacht Club | August 18 |
:: So anyone have any other comments about this event? Are :: we really only going to have 5 boats? C'mon guys and :: gals. What in the deal? :: :: :: So what is the deal with the fleet and this regatta? It :: :: doesn't look like there is much interest in it. If we :: :: are only going to get 3 or 4 boats out then I don't :: :: think regattapro will want to run the event. :: :: :: :: Please let me hear your comments and any suggestions. :: :: Would it be better to have it on a different weekend? :: :: Would people rather not have a race in July? :: :: :: :: Let me hear your thoughts. my boat's in South Lake Tahoe on amooring where I can sail it 3 times a week until November. Miss the great sailing on the bay but love having my boat closeby. SDK