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Author: Joe Balderrama ([email protected]) contact the author
Subject: Spinnaker Pole
Info: (20974 views) Posted: Friday 9-23-05 02:42:02 PM
I was pressed for time so I took it to a local rigger (Svendson's) who used the old ends and bridle and added a new trip line. In a year, the trip line came undone because they used a plastic-inserted bead at the bitter ends. I can see why (inserted beads) as it's like threading spaghetti through a needle eye. My fix was too slice the new trip line at a steep angle and melt it for stiffness (nice and pointy) for a smooth push through the tiny hole. I like this much better as I was able to take up some slack even after a pre-stretch (my tow hitch and windsurf harness). Probably the neatest thing was that I tied knots every few inches in the trip line and my foredeck person loves the extra grip. And the little knots didn't clank in the wind as I thought they might.

:: After all this time, I finally broke my spinnaker pole.
:: Does anyone have any recommendations on a new one?

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  • Spinnaker Pole (20348 views) [x]
    Hal Neill ~ Saturday 9-10-05 04:17:34 PM
    • Spinnaker Pole (14650 views) [x]
      Ralph Deeds ~ Tuesday 9-20-05 04:12:26 PM
      • Spinnaker Pole (13853 views) [x]
        Chris Gage ~ Wednesday 9-21-05 10:59:22 AM
    • Spinnaker Pole (20975 views) [x] (current)
      Joe Balderrama ~ Friday 9-23-05 02:42:02 PM