Let me recommend NOT using epoxy resin. It shrinks over time and will
allow water to get back into the balsa core (ask me how I know
this!). The best solution is to use vinylester resin and G-10 rod in
each of the holes. The G-10 will keep you from over compressing the
holes when the hardware is re-installed. Either way, you should use
vinylester resin to make sure you avoid the shrinking issue. Now
would be a good time to tap out the deck to make sure there are not
any other areas of water entry into the deck.
:: 3-4 inch wIde painters tape and lots of it.
:: :: Hi all,
:: ::
:: :: I've removed all the hardware from my deck and am about
:: :: to over-drill, fill, and re-drill.
:: ::
:: :: I'm wondering if anybody has some good tips on how to
:: :: keep the expoxy from dripping through the holes and into
:: :: the interior.
:: ::
:: :: Taped on wax paper under the hole? Wait until epoxy is a
:: :: thick consistency? Use thickeners?
:: ::
:: :: I'd love to not have to learn this one the hard way ;-)
:: ::
:: :: Thanks
:: ::
:: :: Bryan