I think the simple answer is to encourage fun long distance races and
try to arrange some time after for mingling and trading
stories/strategies and a beer or two.
There is no way a 30+ year old class is going to gain the attention
of pro's nor are the owners (at least the ones I know) are going to
pay anything near what is required to make that work. It would be
stupid to try. Don't get me started on the Ellison angle.
Let's review what is out there on the calendar and gain some traction
for participation. First one on my list is the 3 Bridge with the CYC
Midwinters in between.
Nick Gibbens
Shenanigans #67
:: Oliver,
:: Thank you for your thoughtful, well stated message.
:: Peggy.
:: :: My dad bought his Express new in 1985 I think and we
:: :: have basically changed nothing on the boat until now
:: :: because we were hit and made some decisions to upgrade a
:: :: few things. This is flat out the best boat on the Bay.
:: :: We camped (w/5 kids on this thing at Angel Island, tons
:: :: of different spots/trips, etc), I have double handed the
:: :: Farallones, tried to do the Coast Cup (still on the
:: :: list), done the Ditch, buoy raced, and day sailed the
:: :: shit out of the boat. I literally have never really
:: :: sailed another boat outside of the Express and don't
:: :: feel the need to now. I do not think we need to make any
:: :: drastic changes to the boat. Keeping them in good health
:: :: and in the hands of people who want to actively sail
:: :: them is most important. The way our boat is setup I can
:: :: be in the water, rigged, and heading up to yellow bluff
:: :: for a rip with the kite back down through the Straits in
:: :: 15 minutes with 2 people. My fear is these pros/money
:: :: makers would make make our boats to complicated and
:: :: defeat the purpose of what the Express is all about.
:: ::
:: :: With that said, I would be open to letting pros or
:: :: whatever do the distance series if we had de-briefs or
:: :: whatever after the races to help the regulars learn.
:: :: Would be good to bring the fleet together and help some
:: :: newer blood learn to sail their boats and set them up
:: :: correctly. We definitely have some questions on our new
:: :: setup.
:: ::
:: :: As far as the weight limit....I weigh 235 pounds and the
:: :: lowest I will probably ever be able to get is 215. This
:: :: causes us to sail with four at about 800 to 810 a lot.
:: :: With that said, we compete and get out there and have a
:: :: blast. I think if you are not going to sail your boat
:: :: you cannot comment on the weight limit. I would not mind
:: :: it going to 900 but my dad has sailed this boat for 28
:: :: years/has won the owner drive, etc and he feels strongly
:: :: that 880 is a great number. Mike/Larry come out and do a
:: :: full season next season like we will and if the three of
:: :: us feel we cannot do well because of our weight and we
:: :: have the season series to look at we can bring it up at
:: :: Nationals (when we are racing in them). We will prob be
:: :: 4 people at about 810 most races.
:: ::
:: :: I want to get 20-25 boats on the line consistently for
:: :: our main regattas. If any of you new boat owners ever
:: :: want to go sailing I am always available to go on your
:: :: boat or take the Abigail out and swap tacks for a few
:: :: hours.
:: ::
:: :: As far as letting Larry Ellison within an arms length of
:: :: our class I am strongly opposed. He will just try to buy
:: :: his way into victories and destroy the class. This will
:: :: likely lead to me dropping a haymaker on his ass.....so,
:: :: for legal reasons I give it a big two thumbs down.
:: ::
:: :: Oliver-Abigail Morgan-18394
:: ::
:: :: :: Will called this week seeking guidance on how to
:: :: :: reconfigure and refresh the SF Long Distance Series for
:: :: :: FUN and as an attractor too invigorate overall class
:: :: :: participation.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: Having dreamed up Long Distance Series a decade ago as
:: :: :: diverse alternate too hard core Championship Series
:: :: :: emphasis on full weekend, windward leeward multi races,
:: :: :: these are my thoughts.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: Goal one is for Fun to be put back into Long Distance
:: :: :: series which has a well established FUN race foundation,
:: :: :: although, could use some refresh capable of attracting
:: :: :: boats and more so crews and crew candidates.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: Goal two is to increase the overall fleet participation
:: :: :: getting boats off their trailers and onto the race
:: :: :: course.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: Objective is for the Long Distance Series to attract and
:: :: :: exceed Championship Series in annual participation.
:: :: :: Foremost to become the basis for fleet building from
:: :: :: which boats and crew migrate toward and into the core of
:: :: :: Championship Series. Under this plan a large FUN fleet
:: :: :: means a larger Class Championship fleet.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: Strategy one is to change the name of SF Long Distance
:: :: :: Series to Fun Series.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: Strategy two is to weed out and replace current races
:: :: :: that require extra administration and may not be that
:: :: :: Fun from time to time.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: Strategy three is to drop the weight limit for FUN
:: :: :: enabling the entry of owners and crew restricted by the
:: :: :: current 880# limit. It is this limit, not the series
:: :: :: race format itself, that minimizes overall class
:: :: :: participation into its consolidated nucleus that needs a
:: :: :: few protons shot right through it.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: I am only suggesting weight limit dropped in
:: :: :: reconfigured Long Distance Series for FUN and not for
:: :: :: Championship Series.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: Strategy four is to allow non owner professionals drive
:: :: :: in Fun Series; but not to enable either open weight or
:: :: :: professional non owner into Class Championship Series.
:: :: :: Enabling the reentry of the non owner professional into
:: :: :: FUN is meant for six reasons.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: To support owners who might want to bring in a driver
:: :: :: coach with wide open access to open crew choices.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: To provide an environment where that professional might
:: :: :: open their check book to the boat owner for a piece of
:: :: :: Class Championship Action.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: To establish a benchmark and create competitive marks
:: :: :: attractive to really great sailors; inside and looking
:: :: :: from outside into the fleet.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: Too support class prominence, purpose, position, support
:: :: :: boat purchase and sustain high resale values.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: Too encourage the super rich and multi-boat ‘b” for FUN
:: :: :: and “a” boat teams derived from a subset of two crew’s
:: :: :: worth of boats. And yes, it does still place two boats
:: :: :: onto the course, and into rivalry, which is what
:: :: :: competition that attracts competitors for a prominent
:: :: :: fleet is all about.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: The way too succeed in this endeavor is to drop all the
:: :: :: crew restrictions, the professional restrictions, and to
:: :: :: arrange through Bill & Melinda a meeting with Mr.
:: :: :: Ellison to enter purchase the sponsor of two boats that
:: :: :: could grow into something much greater. And that Brendan
:: :: :: should sell his other boats, and in example of
:: :: :: leadership, be the first to sponsor a two boat team; one
:: :: :: open weight, the other class core. Perhaps incorporating
:: :: :: college core crew’s as a catalyst for future Express 27
:: :: :: ownership.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: Finally, coordination through trailer bound owner’s
:: :: :: Special Interest Group too approach and establish a LOGO
:: :: :: boat team for each of the regional sail lofts, and rig
:: :: :: shops, on their subsidies; drivers, talent and what ever
:: :: :: other forms of commensurate support might be had.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: Subsequently, logos and advertising would be allowed in
:: :: :: FUN Series.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: The greatest issue facing the fleet is opening of the
:: :: :: weight limit to those being left out, are in fact left
:: :: :: out, and want in. No amount of series reconfiguration
:: :: :: with the objectives in mind can be had without this
:: :: :: change. All arguments to sustain the 880# rule are
:: :: :: statistically invalid in relation too the upside of
:: :: :: growing the overall crew pool.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: Strategy five is too emphasis in bay, and except for
:: :: :: Vallejo, continue the one race day per weekend format
:: :: :: along the well accepted requisite of regatta’s
:: :: :: associated with events and mixers following Saturday
:: :: :: race day. The exception being Great Pumpkin Sunday,
:: :: :: which is the long distance, fun, non buoy race day of
:: :: :: that specific weekend event.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: Then primarily leaves Sunday free too clean up the boat,
:: :: :: or do something that has nothing to do with sailing.
:: :: :: Perhaps Saturday participants can start a Sunday
:: :: :: Mountain Bike with round robin administration of ride
:: :: :: location for this type of alternative participation
:: :: :: builder.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: Tactically this mean removing ocean races from Fun
:: :: :: Series on administrative hassle that has grown past few
:: :: :: years. However not to deter from core ocean contingent
:: :: :: support that subset of ownership by establishing Ocean
:: :: :: Trophy series, of two to three races, form a committee
:: :: :: to decide on the races and make it happen.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: Establishing Ocean Series means the fleet purchase a
:: :: :: perpetual trophy and recognize participant’s at our
:: :: :: annual awards celebration. Express 27’s were built to
:: :: :: win Midget Ocean Racing Association, did for years, and
:: :: :: the tradition continues.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: Tactically ease of administration has always been a draw
:: :: :: for the alternate series and there are many boat’s who
:: :: :: sail SSS double and single handed. I’ve encouraged SSS
:: :: :: series races incorporated into Long Distance for years.
:: :: :: Except for Vallejo 1-2 which would violate the one race
:: :: :: day per weekend and ease of administration rule.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: Removing ocean races from FUN into their own series
:: :: :: requires there replacement. I’ve proposed SSS as
:: :: :: replacement accept there is one issue with the SSS ease
:: :: :: of participation and administration advantages. SSS
:: :: :: deters from objective of crew building. So i suggest
:: :: :: races like Big Daddy, Plastic Classic, or increase
:: :: :: number of YRA Party Circuit races to those already
:: :: :: incorporated into Long Distance schedule.
:: :: :: Administratively there is no reason to build up on entry
:: :: :: fees. Some addition of SSS and YRA Party Circuit are
:: :: :: still had under the packaged entry fee rate.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: I see no change for 3 Bridge, Vallejo, Ditch, 2nd Half,
:: :: :: National’s Friday, Great Pumpkin Sunday.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: Pursuant to SSS double handed v objective of cultivating
:: :: :: crew, I suggest at this stage in the fleets development,
:: :: :: more emphasis on the fully crewed races under an open
:: :: :: weight limit, and open professional standard, then
:: :: :: double handed despite administrative benefits.
:: ::
:: :: :: Mike Bruzzone
:: ::
:: :: :: Desperado e27 US 8