Well, I feel pretty stupid. I could not get it to run. I have Google
earth on both Chrome and IE and it did not run on ether. I have been
looking at the tides for that race and did call Mr. Desperadoo to
discuss but I really want to see the track.
BTW, there is a great YouTube tides movie showing tides on SF Bay.
It shows the whole bay section by section and minute by minute. I
downloaded the movie and if you send me an email, I can put it in the
cloud and send you a link (it is 64 Megs).
Any help with this SailAnalytics routine would be appreciated.
:: Very interesting! Thanks for posting.
:: :: Here is the link to the race replay on SailAnalytics.com
:: :: . Make sure you have Google Earth plug-in installed to
:: :: run the program.
:: ::
:: :: 2nd Half Opener Race Replay. Please let me know if you
:: :: have any dificulites to run the program.
:: ::
:: :: http://sailanalytics.com/#clubId=11&raceId=%2335&divisionId=%2383&mainBoatId=Wile%20E%20Coyote&rivalBoatId=Desperado&curTime=1343500291136