Just to note, Regatta PRO's OD midwinter series is held on the 2nd
weekend same
weekend as the BYC mid's.
:: Berkely Midwinters has always had the best turn out and
:: also does not conflict with other events. GGYC, EYC, and
:: CYC mids are all on the other weekends. The BYC Mids is
:: the only one on the 2nd weekend. I can only do it then
:: and it is easier to find crew and boats without
:: conflict! My 2 cents only...
:: Will
:: :: All -- choice of midwinters dropped off the agenda at
:: :: the class meeting due to time / bladder constraints. I
:: :: will follow up soon using the fleet email list with
:: :: summary of the decisions taken at the meeting.
:: ::
:: :: Regarding midwinters, I am going to see about putting a
:: :: survey on the website to capture input from as much of
:: :: the SF Fleet as possible.
:: ::
:: :: My $0.02 is, notwithstanding that the courses are seldom
:: :: square & the number of potential races is fewer, the BYC
:: :: midwinters historically draw the greatest turn out.
:: ::
:: :: The last time the fleet switched, turn out dropped from
:: :: the low 20s to the low teens. That was a few years ago.
:: ::
:: :: In any case I think we should take a poll since we
:: :: weren't able to cover this at the meeting.
:: ::
:: :: :: I could not make it to the class meeting, any plans to
:: :: :: post decisions? Which Midwinter series are we going to
:: :: :: participate in this year?