I went TI, Red Rock, then Blackhaller all to port. Just played the
shifts and went for the greatest breeze off of Richmond on the way to
Red Rock. Once north of Richmond I tended to get closer to the shore
to stay clear of the current. The Moore 24 that took first overall
and beat us banged hard into Richmond just as the breeze died for us
on our way north, he made out but not by much.
:: OK, Whch way did the lead E-27's go? I went TI, Red Rock
:: and then Balckhaller...all to port. I did notice that
:: some non-E-27's took TI to starbord and made out by
:: finding wind betwween TI and Oakland. Also, It appeared
:: to be much faster to go rumline to Red Rock. The greater
:: wind more than compensated for the lighter ebb current
:: if you stayed east.