I must reccomend Santa Cruz Sails: David Hodges has always supported
the class, provides great service on repairs and now has Will Paxton
working. His advice on sailing, tunjing is simple and to the point
and he always provides a keg for the fleet. SDK
:: I like the fact that quntum post their prices in OD
:: section for
:: express . Is anyone else providing their prices up front
:: so I can compare
:: it without the legwork?Recent quotes? Group discounts?
:: Anyone interested in purchase of main this winter?
:: :: I believe Quantum, Santa Cruz Sails, UK, and Pineapple
:: :: make most of the Express 27 sails that are used on the
:: :: Bay. There are competitive boats using sails from each
:: :: of the 4 lofts, so it really comes down to 1) who you
:: :: are comfortable with, 2) the kind of service they will
:: :: provide, 3) price.
:: ::
:: :: Personally there is one other factor I consider, and
:: :: that is what kind of history the loft (or the sailmakers
:: :: from the loft) have of supporting the fleet.
:: ::
:: :: I don't think you get enough extra mileage out of a
:: :: Kevlar main to justify the higher price, but maybe
:: :: others can comment on their experience in that regard
:: :: (as we've always just gone with Dacron).
:: ::
:: :: :: Is Quantum the choice for sails? Kevlar vs. dacron ? for
:: :: :: main? Anyone delt with Don T. from Quantum?