There is this product Gibco flex-mold perhaps ideal to re-do
a non skid to make it look like new in gelcote -
I received some info but more is needed.
817-236-5021 in Fort Worth TX
:: I did my own boat 3 years ago with LPU epoxy. It is very
:: good looking but if I had it to do again I would use gel
:: coat because it is more durable. I have a good and
:: inexpensive way to do this in Santa Cruz. Covered shed
:: and professional aplication if you are interested.
:: Will
:: :: I'm very interested in this issue.Gelcote?
:: ::
:: ::
:: :: :: How have current/past owners delt with the problem of a
:: :: :: slick deck?..painting, resurfacing? Any idea on cost?
:: :: :: What seems to work well?