#48 has the same hole in the port "table." It fits any standard
bucket. My favorite is a standard cheap plastic one you can get at
grocery stores. You can also buy the black rubber bucket with metal
handle at West Marine for ~$30.
:: Desperado #8 came with no sink, bucket, but a complete
:: brunzel mahogony table top with wooden lid over sandwich
:: area (now stored in the garage). 5 gallon paint bucket
:: stowed anywhere does just fine.
:: mb
:: :: yeah they must have tried saving some $ on the last few
:: :: hulls. 111 had a black plastic bucket and a hole cut in
:: :: the port table.
:: ::
:: :: :: Bucket ??? I have a stanless rectangle sink looks
:: :: :: orginal ... I think
:: :: ::
:: :: :: Eric
:: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Does anyone know what kind of bucket was used for the
:: :: :: :: sink? Hull 111 had (my daughter dumped it in the river
:: :: :: :: and it doesn't float for long) a black bucket with a
:: :: :: :: steel handle. If anyone knows where I can pick up a new
:: :: :: :: one that would be great? Short of that if someone can
:: :: :: :: take a look at their bucket and give me some info on it
:: :: :: :: that would be a great start. Thanks in advance.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Scott