Elite Keel at San Francisco Yacht ClubMay 15 - 16
PosBoatTotalRace 1Race 2Race 3Race 4Race 5
1Xena82(2)2(4)1(5)2(7)1 (8)
2Dianne131(1)3(4)2(6)3(9)4 (13)
3Wile E Coyote143(3)1(4)DNF(11)1(12)2 (14)
4Opa!184(4)4(8)3(11)4(15)3 (18)
5Libra245(5)5(10)4(14)5(19)5 (24)
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Author: Mike Bruzzone
Subject: Reinventing Long Distance Series
Info: (14418 views) Posted: Tuesday 11-26-13 07:15:23 PM
The answer is to try something constructive because many constuctive paths have been mentioned.

It does not take eclipse at some inflection point to know constant reconfiguration is always a key.

Reconfiguration, experimentation, research that tests into the options and making the best options happen.

This is about doing not stalling out, dive into the options.


:: I think the simple answer is to encourage fun long
:: distance races and try to arrange some time after for
:: mingling and trading stories/strategies and a beer or
:: two.
:: There is no way a 30+ year old class is going to gain
:: the attention of pro's nor are the owners (at least the
:: ones I know) are going to pay anything near what is
:: required to make that work. It would be stupid to try.
:: Don't get me started on the Ellison angle.
:: Let's review what is out there on the calendar and gain
:: some traction for participation. First one on my list is
:: the 3 Bridge with the CYC Midwinters in between.
:: Nick Gibbens

:: Shenanigans #67
:: ::
:: :: Oliver,
:: ::
:: :: Thank you for your thoughtful, well stated message.
:: ::
:: :: Peggy.
:: ::
:: :: :: My dad bought his Express new in 1985 I think and we
:: :: :: have basically changed nothing on the boat until now
:: :: :: because we were hit and made some decisions to upgrade a
:: :: :: few things. This is flat out the best boat on the Bay.
:: :: :: We camped (w/5 kids on this thing at Angel Island, tons
:: :: :: of different spots/trips, etc), I have double handed the
:: :: :: Farallones, tried to do the Coast Cup (still on the
:: :: :: list), done the Ditch, buoy raced, and day sailed the
:: :: :: shit out of the boat. I literally have never really
:: :: :: sailed another boat outside of the Express and don't
:: :: :: feel the need to now. I do not think we need to make any
:: :: :: drastic changes to the boat. Keeping them in good health
:: :: :: and in the hands of people who want to actively sail
:: :: :: them is most important. The way our boat is setup I can
:: :: :: be in the water, rigged, and heading up to yellow bluff
:: :: :: for a rip with the kite back down through the Straits in
:: :: :: 15 minutes with 2 people. My fear is these pros/money
:: :: :: makers would make make our boats to complicated and
:: :: :: defeat the purpose of what the Express is all about.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: With that said, I would be open to letting pros or
:: :: :: whatever do the distance series if we had de-briefs or
:: :: :: whatever after the races to help the regulars learn.
:: :: :: Would be good to bring the fleet together and help some
:: :: :: newer blood learn to sail their boats and set them up
:: :: :: correctly. We definitely have some questions on our new
:: :: :: setup.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: As far as the weight limit....I weigh 235 pounds and the
:: :: :: lowest I will probably ever be able to get is 215. This
:: :: :: causes us to sail with four at about 800 to 810 a lot.
:: :: :: With that said, we compete and get out there and have a
:: :: :: blast. I think if you are not going to sail your boat
:: :: :: you cannot comment on the weight limit. I would not mind
:: :: :: it going to 900 but my dad has sailed this boat for 28
:: :: :: years/has won the owner drive, etc and he feels strongly
:: :: :: that 880 is a great number. Mike/Larry come out and do a
:: :: :: full season next season like we will and if the three of
:: :: :: us feel we cannot do well because of our weight and we
:: :: :: have the season series to look at we can bring it up at
:: :: :: Nationals (when we are racing in them). We will prob be
:: :: :: 4 people at about 810 most races.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: I want to get 20-25 boats on the line consistently for
:: :: :: our main regattas. If any of you new boat owners ever
:: :: :: want to go sailing I am always available to go on your
:: :: :: boat or take the Abigail out and swap tacks for a few
:: :: :: hours.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: As far as letting Larry Ellison within an arms length of
:: :: :: our class I am strongly opposed. He will just try to buy
:: :: :: his way into victories and destroy the class. This will
:: :: :: likely lead to me dropping a haymaker on his ass.....so,
:: :: :: for legal reasons I give it a big two thumbs down.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: Oliver-Abigail Morgan-18394
:: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Will called this week seeking guidance on how to
:: :: :: :: reconfigure and refresh the SF Long Distance Series for
:: :: :: :: FUN and as an attractor too invigorate overall class
:: :: :: :: participation.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Having dreamed up Long Distance Series a decade ago as
:: :: :: :: diverse alternate too hard core Championship Series
:: :: :: :: emphasis on full weekend, windward leeward multi races,
:: :: :: :: these are my thoughts.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Goal one is for Fun to be put back into Long Distance
:: :: :: :: series which has a well established FUN race foundation,
:: :: :: :: although, could use some refresh capable of attracting
:: :: :: :: boats and more so crews and crew candidates.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Goal two is to increase the overall fleet participation
:: :: :: :: getting boats off their trailers and onto the race
:: :: :: :: course.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Objective is for the Long Distance Series to attract and
:: :: :: :: exceed Championship Series in annual participation.
:: :: :: :: Foremost to become the basis for fleet building from
:: :: :: :: which boats and crew migrate toward and into the core of
:: :: :: :: Championship Series. Under this plan a large FUN fleet
:: :: :: :: means a larger Class Championship fleet.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Strategy one is to change the name of SF Long Distance
:: :: :: :: Series to Fun Series.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Strategy two is to weed out and replace current races
:: :: :: :: that require extra administration and may not be that
:: :: :: :: Fun from time to time.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Strategy three is to drop the weight limit for FUN
:: :: :: :: enabling the entry of owners and crew restricted by the
:: :: :: :: current 880# limit. It is this limit, not the series
:: :: :: :: race format itself, that minimizes overall class
:: :: :: :: participation into its consolidated nucleus that needs a
:: :: :: :: few protons shot right through it.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: I am only suggesting weight limit dropped in
:: :: :: :: reconfigured Long Distance Series for FUN and not for
:: :: :: :: Championship Series.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Strategy four is to allow non owner professionals drive
:: :: :: :: in Fun Series; but not to enable either open weight or
:: :: :: :: professional non owner into Class Championship Series.
:: :: :: :: Enabling the reentry of the non owner professional into
:: :: :: :: FUN is meant for six reasons.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: To support owners who might want to bring in a driver
:: :: :: :: coach with wide open access to open crew choices.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: To provide an environment where that professional might
:: :: :: :: open their check book to the boat owner for a piece of
:: :: :: :: Class Championship Action.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: To establish a benchmark and create competitive marks
:: :: :: :: attractive to really great sailors; inside and looking
:: :: :: :: from outside into the fleet.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Too support class prominence, purpose, position, support
:: :: :: :: boat purchase and sustain high resale values.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Too encourage the super rich and multi-boat ‘b” for FUN
:: :: :: :: and “a” boat teams derived from a subset of two crew’s
:: :: :: :: worth of boats. And yes, it does still place two boats
:: :: :: :: onto the course, and into rivalry, which is what
:: :: :: :: competition that attracts competitors for a prominent
:: :: :: :: fleet is all about.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: The way too succeed in this endeavor is to drop all the
:: :: :: :: crew restrictions, the professional restrictions, and to
:: :: :: :: arrange through Bill & Melinda a meeting with Mr.
:: :: :: :: Ellison to enter purchase the sponsor of two boats that
:: :: :: :: could grow into something much greater. And that Brendan
:: :: :: :: should sell his other boats, and in example of
:: :: :: :: leadership, be the first to sponsor a two boat team; one
:: :: :: :: open weight, the other class core. Perhaps incorporating
:: :: :: :: college core crew’s as a catalyst for future Express 27
:: :: :: :: ownership.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Finally, coordination through trailer bound owner’s
:: :: :: :: Special Interest Group too approach and establish a LOGO
:: :: :: :: boat team for each of the regional sail lofts, and rig
:: :: :: :: shops, on their subsidies; drivers, talent and what ever
:: :: :: :: other forms of commensurate support might be had.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Subsequently, logos and advertising would be allowed in
:: :: :: :: FUN Series.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: The greatest issue facing the fleet is opening of the
:: :: :: :: weight limit to those being left out, are in fact left
:: :: :: :: out, and want in. No amount of series reconfiguration
:: :: :: :: with the objectives in mind can be had without this
:: :: :: :: change. All arguments to sustain the 880# rule are
:: :: :: :: statistically invalid in relation too the upside of
:: :: :: :: growing the overall crew pool.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Strategy five is too emphasis in bay, and except for
:: :: :: :: Vallejo, continue the one race day per weekend format
:: :: :: :: along the well accepted requisite of regatta’s
:: :: :: :: associated with events and mixers following Saturday
:: :: :: :: race day. The exception being Great Pumpkin Sunday,
:: :: :: :: which is the long distance, fun, non buoy race day of
:: :: :: :: that specific weekend event.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Then primarily leaves Sunday free too clean up the boat,
:: :: :: :: or do something that has nothing to do with sailing.
:: :: :: :: Perhaps Saturday participants can start a Sunday
:: :: :: :: Mountain Bike with round robin administration of ride
:: :: :: :: location for this type of alternative participation
:: :: :: :: builder.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Tactically this mean removing ocean races from Fun
:: :: :: :: Series on administrative hassle that has grown past few
:: :: :: :: years. However not to deter from core ocean contingent
:: :: :: :: support that subset of ownership by establishing Ocean
:: :: :: :: Trophy series, of two to three races, form a committee
:: :: :: :: to decide on the races and make it happen.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Establishing Ocean Series means the fleet purchase a
:: :: :: :: perpetual trophy and recognize participant’s at our
:: :: :: :: annual awards celebration. Express 27’s were built to
:: :: :: :: win Midget Ocean Racing Association, did for years, and
:: :: :: :: the tradition continues.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Tactically ease of administration has always been a draw
:: :: :: :: for the alternate series and there are many boat’s who
:: :: :: :: sail SSS double and single handed. I’ve encouraged SSS
:: :: :: :: series races incorporated into Long Distance for years.
:: :: :: :: Except for Vallejo 1-2 which would violate the one race
:: :: :: :: day per weekend and ease of administration rule.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Removing ocean races from FUN into their own series
:: :: :: :: requires there replacement. I’ve proposed SSS as
:: :: :: :: replacement accept there is one issue with the SSS ease
:: :: :: :: of participation and administration advantages. SSS
:: :: :: :: deters from objective of crew building. So i suggest
:: :: :: :: races like Big Daddy, Plastic Classic, or increase
:: :: :: :: number of YRA Party Circuit races to those already
:: :: :: :: incorporated into Long Distance schedule.
:: :: :: :: Administratively there is no reason to build up on entry
:: :: :: :: fees. Some addition of SSS and YRA Party Circuit are
:: :: :: :: still had under the packaged entry fee rate.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: I see no change for 3 Bridge, Vallejo, Ditch, 2nd Half,
:: :: :: :: National’s Friday, Great Pumpkin Sunday.
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Pursuant to SSS double handed v objective of cultivating
:: :: :: :: crew, I suggest at this stage in the fleets development,
:: :: :: :: more emphasis on the fully crewed races under an open
:: :: :: :: weight limit, and open professional standard, then
:: :: :: :: double handed despite administrative benefits.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Mike Bruzzone
:: :: ::
:: :: :: :: Desperado e27 US 8

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