Elite Keel at San Francisco Yacht ClubMay 15 - 16
PosBoatTotalRace 1Race 2Race 3Race 4Race 5
1Xena82(2)2(4)1(5)2(7)1 (8)
2Dianne131(1)3(4)2(6)3(9)4 (13)
3Wile E Coyote143(3)1(4)DNF(11)1(12)2 (14)
4Opa!184(4)4(8)3(11)4(15)3 (18)
5Libra245(5)5(10)4(14)5(19)5 (24)
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Author: Mike Bruzzone (campmkt...@aol.com) contact the author
Subject: 2008 Long Distance Fun Series
Info: (27391 views) Posted: Saturday 9-29-07 10:36:23 AM
Hi Everyone:

Keep sending those ideas in on the LD/Fun Series.

As a method for sorting out the races for this series, I'll break out choices by month/thread.

So, on the board, you will see 10 or so threads, each will be by month; Jan, Feb, etc. From that thread, one input (dialogue) box as it were per month, will include the race possibilities for that month and some explaination why that race makes sense.

Where there is agreement on the race suggestion; just say agree.

Where there is not agreement or another suggestion; make it.

This way we can sort out monthly race choices to form a race consensus for that month. Some months will be easy. Others may be more dificult to form consensus on and this will become readily apparent from the inputs.

Subsequently, we'll all know where we need to spend some time considering the race choices. I believe this method onfinputting into the board is a good one, say over a confernce call, because there is plenty of time to think about the schedule. No one has to be rushed.

So, I hope this method will indicate where there is agreement on LD/Fun Series choices, few of which are revolutionary, except for the rule mods; no weight limit given some PHRF content & low point score system for leveling playing field. And, at the very least we;ll be able to come to consensus on the race schedule itself.

For example, in January, I doubt there will be disagreement on the 3 Bridge for LD/Fun. Other than anyone's bold suggestion not to do it gvien the (wind/tide) fisaco potential.

For February, there is not much choice for the LD/Fun proposal which currenlty aims fo one race per month except for two each in the July/August timeframe.

For February I've suggested Corinthian Saturday only. This suggestion for the first/second event of the year; a dinner dance. How novel. Chime in on what you think in the dialogue box I will set up on the board.

For March, May, June, I've suggested basically a race per month.

For July/August, given the number of choices, there will undoubtedly be some consensus building here. With this method I believe we have plenty of time to build, second, ratify a schedule for the 2008 LD/FUN series using dialogue boxes on this board.

I'll set it up this weekend.


:: Since I'll be primarily a one-day event participant for
:: the next few years, I'll be gravitating toward the Long
:: Distance Series. And regardless of weight limit, PHRF,
:: class or non-class, regular or long season, I like &
:: have participated in 95% of these during my short 3-year
:: ownership.
:: 3 bridge

:: Crewed Lightship

:: Vallejo

:: In-the-Bay

:: East Bay Estuary

:: Second Half Opener

:: Great Pumpkin
:: Did enjoy the Plastic Classic and would vote for it on
:: the LD series. The Delta Ditch sounds great, but keep
:: missing it every year.
:: Joe B.
:: :: Hi Everyone:
:: ::
:: :: No one really chimed in on the 2008 LD/Fun series
:: :: proposal; specifically, although there were two mails
:: :: about not changing anything related to the weight limit.
:: :: And others about a formula for Real Fleet Series weight
:: :: modification which I absatin on.
:: ::
:: :: So specific to the Long Distance Fun Series and about
:: :: not changing anything related to the weight limit. Okay;
:: :: for any race the fleet traditionally has raced at limit.
:: ::
:: :: So this Long Distance Fun Series proposal still includes
:: :: the no weight limit and low point scoring except for
:: :: races that by tradition the Real Fleet Series has always
:: :: be done at weight limit. Outside tradition its probably
:: :: a PHRF race suggestion thus open limit.
:: :: So, the Real Fleet Series racers seem to like Vallejo at
:: :: weight limit. No problem. Except perhaps downwind on
:: :: Saturday.
:: ::
:: :: And because no serious campaign does the Delta Ditch at
:: :: weight limit; no problem. Or the Monterey Spinnaker run
:: :: at weight limit; no problem. Or, the Windjammer at
:: :: weight limit. Or any double handed race. No problem. We
:: :: can do all these races at weight limit.
:: ::
:: :: So this mail is a second draft of the Long Distance Fun
:: :: proposal recognizing its easier to go with the flow on
:: :: weight limit for what has been. However, per this
:: :: refined proposal as a subset only within the total set
:: :: or races which defines this LD FUN Series schedule
:: :: within the framework of this proposal's innovations.
:: ::
:: :: And again those innovations for thew LD/Fun Seires are
:: :: 1) no wieght limit for the superset of the total
:: :: schedule. And, 2) scored both ways for the Real Fleet
:: :: Series (by tradition and by low point) where the LD/Fun
:: :: series might duplicate some of the Real Fleet Series
:: :: schedule.
:: ::
:: :: Again, these open rules are to make it easier to get a
:: :: cast of crew to do the races. And, to level the playing
:: :: field by leveling the scoring system.
:: ::
:: :: Subsequently, I withdraw the suggestion that LD Fun
:: :: Series get first pick of the party races to meet the
:: :: strategy of picking known events with functions after
:: :: race. Although this next generation LD Fun Series
:: :: proposal still attempts to get those in where possible.
:: ::
:: :: As mentioned in a prior mail, the three long ocean
:: :: races; Monterey, Coastal and Windjammers have been
:: :: dropped off as priorities to encourage participation.
:: :: Although, the Windjammers is still shown here. As is the
:: :: Spinnaker Cup. And if LD/Fun Series racers overwelmingly
:: :: want to do them; I agree.
:: ::
:: :: Otherwise here's the second draft proposal of
:: :: apprioximately 1 race per month; except July where there
:: :: are 2 races:
:: ::
:: :: 1/26 Three Bridge; SSS doublehanded -
:: ::
:: :: 2/23 Corinthian Midwinters Saturday Only; dinner/dance
:: :: (I'll arrange a one day entry fee) -
:: ::
:: :: 3/22 Crewed Lightship OYRA - (I'll call YRA about a
:: :: three race package or 4 race package with Vallejo)
:: ::
:: :: 4/5 Double handed Farallones BAMA -
:: ::
:: :: 5/3-4 Vallejo Race dinner/dance -
:: ::
:: :: (Note that the Spinnaker Run is 5/24-25 or 5/31-6/1; I'd
:: :: do it as the primary May race if the series participants
:: :: commited to it and would drop Ditch Run. Spinnaker is
:: :: the truer long distance race.)
:: ::
:: :: 6/2 Ditch Run; dinner
:: ::
:: :: or
:: ::
:: :: 6/9 Drakes Bay; raft up (I like this race over Ditch Run
:: :: as well.)
:: ::
:: :: 7/5 Midnight Moonlight; bars open to 1:45 am, breakfast
:: :: next moring
:: ::
:: :: or
:: ::
:: :: 7/19-20 Plastic Classic; partyfest
:: ::
:: :: 7/21 Half Moon Bay OYRA; barbeque at HMBYC - (Here I'm
:: :: advocating HMBay as the months priority pick of two
:: :: races. Then, pick one of the other July races for two
:: :: races thist month. Midnight is the Long Distance choice.
:: :: Plastic Classic is the party choice.
:: ::
:: :: or
:: ::
:: :: 7/26 Second Half Opener; food court & pool. (I'm not
:: :: necessarily advocating this pick and would leave it to
:: :: the Real Fleet Series because its much funer to race to
:: :: Half Moon Bay and cruise abck the next day.
:: ::
:: :: The real Long Distance races this month are Midnight
:: :: Moonlight or the Half Moon Bay Race, or the Farallons
:: :: first weekend in August)
:: ::
:: :: 8/2 Farralones; OYRA
:: ::
:: :: 8/16 Half Moon Bay double handed. (Here's a second
:: :: chance to race to HMB is an easy to administer format.
:: :: This means dropping HMB in July and choosing two races
:: :: from the three other July choices; Midnight, Plastic
:: :: Classic, Second Half Saturday only)
:: ::
:: :: 9/1 Windjammers 9/1; barbeque.
:: ::
:: :: or
:: ::
:: :: 9/13 East Bay to Estuary doublehanded.
:: ::
:: :: 10/26 - Great Pumpkin Sunday Only (I put this RYC back
:: :: in to have an October race; but would be fine with
:: :: finishing the 2008 LD/Fun series with the Septermber
:: :: Races.
:: ::
:: :: I hope to get some inputs into what I hope is seen as
:: :: well though out LD/Fun proposal geared to gain a
:: :: consensus within the innovative frameowrk of the
:: :: proposal.
:: ::
:: :: mb.
:: ::
:: ::
:: ::
:: :: :: With the exception of the long pause after Nationals, I
:: :: :: kinda liked the variety of races on this year's regular
:: :: :: schedule. I also liked that half the races counted for
:: :: :: both series. For myself, it'll be a few seasons before I
:: :: :: can return to a full weekend of racing, so it's nice to
:: :: :: see a large contingent of Expresses in the PHRF/L.D.
:: :: :: events. Hopefully, that will be the same even if we go
:: :: :: to a smaller number of mostly buoy events for the
:: :: :: regular schedule.
:: :: ::
:: :: :: :: I agree with this completely. I would only add the Ditch
:: :: :: :: run in June as it is a well attended event and lots of
:: :: :: :: fun.
:: :: :: ::

:: :: :: :: -Jason
:: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: :: Perhaps something along these lines:
:: :: :: :: ::
:: :: :: :: :: - Three Bridge Fiasco (January)
:: :: :: :: :: - Spring Keel (March)
:: :: :: :: :: - Resin Regatta (April)
:: :: :: :: :: - Elite Keel (May)
:: :: :: :: :: - PCCs (July)
:: :: :: :: :: - Nationals (September)
:: :: :: :: ::
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