The GYA [gulf yachting association] PHRF system limits spinnakers to
asymmeterical or symmeterical, not both. The PHRF committee is
considering allowing both, and is requesting input from us. We have
noticed that Key West Race Week allows both but adjusts the ratings.
Current thinking is to allow both,and allow traditional rigs to
attach an asymmeterical spinnaker to there spinnaker pole. With a
CODE Zero asymmeterical spin. I'm just wondering if anyone in the
fleet has tried this.I am the one who posted the mast head spinnaker
questions, and my sail maker said to see what happens at this meeting
as he thinks it will be a go. Most of our wind is 10 - 15 with a lot
of windward leewards as the bay is full of O D sailers. Oh and the
hit would be only 3 or 6 seconds!!!