The five local Express 27’s would like to invite your fleet to our annual regatta. Klamath Lake is the largest lake in Oregon, 23 miles long and 3 to 5 miles wide. It is blessed with a geography that creates a predictable 10-15 knot breeze from the North. The Klamath YC will provide free campgrounds with bathroom facilities, free 3-ton lift crane, free docks and free trailer storage. There are several motels within two miles of KYC. There are usually 3 races on Saturday and 2 on Sunday. There will be city fireworks near the yacht club on Sunday evening. (Presumably, Monday will be a holiday for most people.) Klamath Falls is just South of Crater Lake National Park. Please talk to Jason Crowson, who is planning to bring his boat, or e-mail the regatta chairman, Scott Cullen, at: [email protected].