Hi Hal, Several years ago I added blocks, line and cleats for
adjusting the inboard end of the pole on the mast, but last year I
removed them because we didn't use them much.
The biggest improvements for the spinnaker pole were (1) moving the
foreguy block from the middle of the deck to the base of the mast;
(2) double-ending the foreguy and leading it to the deck where it can
be operated by the bow man or from the cock pit; (3) leading the
topping lift to a point on the deck where it can be reached by the
bow man or operated from the cockpit; and (3) buying a Quantum (San
Francisco) pole launching sleeve that allows the pole to be stored on
and launched from the boom (no more pole on top of the jib sheet
problems from inexperienced bow men). The pole launcher is a great